You Are Not Alone, Helmuth Projects, San Diego, CA , 2014
This performance-based video, created during a 5-week residency at Helmuth Projects in San Diego, CA, is a re-creation of a 16th century genealogical painting of a Dominican Family Tree. Over 90 people in the San Diego community participated in this project, choosing their characters and aiding in the creation of their costumes and the overall installation. Each character in the final piece – from Diana Ross, Elizabeth Taylor and Slash to Peter Pan, Frankenstein, E.T. and Snow White – represents a significant and inspirational figure from Jackson’s life, and also replaces one of the saints from the original painting. It is a 3-part work that parallels the life and public perception of Jackson as compared to that of horror character Freddy Krueger. This piece is largely based on the evaluation of Michael Jackson’s character by New York Times writer Margo Jefferson in her book “On Michael Jackson”.
Excerpts below, link to full video here
Curated by Alexander Jarman (San Diego Museum of Art) and Josh Pavlick (Helmuth Projects)
Curatorial Essay by Alexander Jarman
San Diego Tribune
Helmuth Projects
Full video project vimeo link
You Are Not Alone: Portrait of Michael Jackson in a recreation of the Genealogical Trees of the Dominican Order, Part 3 of 3, 2014 Art History Series
You Are Not Alone: Portrait of Michael Jackson in a recreation of the Genealogical Trees of the Dominican Order, Part 2 of 3, 2014 Art History Series
You Are Not Alone: Portrait of Michael Jackson in a recreation of the Genealogical Trees of the Dominican Order, Part 1 of 3, 2014 Art History Series
In-process images with collaborators